Who would think that one little girl could cause so much trouble? After all, everyone knows that it's a really stupid idea to go off alone into a huge dark overgrown forest - let alone through the ill-lit city streets - at night and alone. Stupid, stupid girl. Red coated - but that wasn't going to offer much protection was it? Surely it was more likely to shine as a beacon in the darkness "Look, here comes someone innocent and stupid enough to walk through here all one her own" - you could almost hear the wolves howling with laughter. But then. They weren’t to know. She would always get the last laugh - that was the irony of the red coat. The colour betrayed her true nature. But then wolves may be cunning but no one ever suggested that they were subtle - it’s not in their nature you see. So they mistook her red coat for innocence without a second thought and of course that would lead to their downfall. If only they'd thought it through - White, now that's a good colour for an innocent to wear isn’t it - everyone knows about virgin white, the symbol of purity, or perhaps they don't? The wolves certainly didn't seem to or, if they did then they made no association with other ways in which colours might provide clues. Red, the colour of blood, the colour of danger, the colour of lust. Following close on her heels they gave none of this a moments thought but rather concentrated on their own wild pulsing passions, the thrill of pursuit and the chase to come. For surely she would run and then they would chase and oh, the pleasure it would bring. The very thought caused the blood to run all the faster through their veins as they slunk in the shadows hanging on her every footstep and impassioned by the thought of what was to come.
Just having a go at a typed freewrite to see how it went. Quite pleased with the general idea but not sure where it would go after that - I guess it doesn't matter too much in a freewrite?
Just having a go at a typed freewrite to see how it went. Quite pleased with the general idea but not sure where it would go after that - I guess it doesn't matter too much in a freewrite?
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